About Us

Scholarshippen.com is a site that will aid you in finding the latest and most prestigious grants, scholarships and other types of scholarships for colleges. There are a lot of scholarships available however, there is one waiting to be found!

There are grants and scholarships for students in high school undergrad and postgraduate students. The opportunities for scholarships include Business, Education, Health Care Professions, Arts and Humanities, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Natural Sciences and Environmental Sciences.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you find grants and scholarships that best matches your needs. We also promote tertiary education and providing information on financial aid to students who need it in all over the world.

About Our Team

Our team is comprised of young and enthusiastic individuals who have years of experience in the field of grants and scholarships to help make sure that students are making progress in their studies. We began this project because we believe that we can bring about the change we want to see in the educational industry.

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